The Arcade Fire Post | United Palace Theatre, May 7th, 2007

Jesus Christ it’s Monday night!” – Win Butler

It’s really late, so I don’t have it in me to write a full review of the show right now. Suffice to say, it was a good show and I think a fine time was had by most, if not all. It took a while for the Washington Heights audience to warm up, but Arcade Fire rocked the house as well I think you could in a room the size of the “palatial” United Palace. Some of the new songs that I thought played pretty were Black Mirror, Keep The Car Running, and No Cars Go, and Intervention, but it was really the old tunes that brought the house down. As for the best new song performed live, I’d have to say it was a toss up between Keep The Car Running and Intervention. If you twisted my arm, I may have to give the edge Keep The Car Running, as it was performed mid-show and really got people going, as opposed to Intervention which was the closer, and by that point, people were eating it up.

Here are some pictures, I’m sure you’ll find better elsewhere, but it’s the best I could do from Row R.

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire

I’ll post some pics from openers The National later today.

One Comment

  1. David Buckna says:

    Arcade Fire: A Neon Bible Study
    by David Buckna

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