eMusic has partnered with the Independent Film Channel (IFC) to create a program called “eMusic Dozens: The IFC Soundtrack.” The program will premiere on IFC on Monday, October 30. It also will be distributed on eMusic’s website, through video-sharing sites, and through additional eMusic marketing partners. Viewers are encouraged to check out the artists online at www.emusic.com/ifc.
“eMusic Dozens: The IFC Soundtrack” airtimes are as follows (please note that television airtime windows are from 6:00 AM to 6:00 AM; therefore a 10/30 early-morning airdate is technically 10/31):
Episode 1: “Independence”
Monday, 10/30 12:45 AM
Wednesday, 11/1 12:25 AM
Wednesday, 11/8 12:25 AM
Monday, 11/13 12:25 AM
Sunday, 11/19 1:35 AM
Tuesday, 11/21 6:15 AM
Wednesday, 11/22 12:25 AM
Monday, 11/27 12:40 AM
Friday, 12/1 1:20 PM
Monday, 12/4 12:35 AM
Episode 2: “A World of Sound”
Wednesday, 12/6 7:10 PM
Sunday, 12/10 2:30 PM
Monday, 12/11 12:25 AM
Tuesday, 12/12 11:35 AM
Saturday, 12/16 6:30 AM
Sunday, 12/17 12:40 AM
Monday, 12/18 12:30 AM
Tuesday, 12/26 6:25 PM
Wednesday, 12/27 12:50 AM
Thursday, 12/28 12:40 PM