Wow, I had this whole post about the Bank of America One video controversy/joke/debacle ready to go and then I accidentally deleted it. Here’s an abbreviated version of what I said:
– Stereogum posted a video of Bank of America employees Jim Debois and Ethan Chandler performing U2’s “One” set to some cheesy corporate lyrics. The video was embedded in his site via Vimeo.
– Other outlets picked up on it quickly. [ProductShopNYC, Gawker, BrooklynVegan]
– Bank of America asked Vimeo to remove the video from its site. [Open The Discussion]
– Universal Music Publishing Group posted a cease and desist letter in the comments section of Stereogum. [NYTimes]
– David Cross and Johnny Marr performed a cover of Debois and Chandler’s “One” at the Modest Mouse show on Saturday night at the Bowery. Here’s a look at that version: