Jennifer O’Connor Free Show Tonight

The Happy Ending Music and Reading Series, chosen by New York Magazine and NY Press as the best reading series in NYC, and singled out by the New York Times Magazine for helping to “Keep downtown alive,” features the most interesting storytellers, writers, musicians, raconteurs and personalities, and requires the readers to take one public risk, while the the musicians, who perform two short sets with their original, lyric-driven music, are required to play one cover song and try to get the audience to sing along.

Wednesday December 13th, 2006 (Tonight)

At 8pm sharp. The doors open at 7:00.

Cost: Free

Leanne Shapton
Chris Leo and Marcellus Hall

Jennifer O’Connor

Amanda Stern

Provided by the amazing Mobile Libris

Happy Ending Bar
302 Broome Street
Between Forsyth and Eldridge