New Releases | Feist, Antibalas, Nicole Atkins

Feist - The Reminder Antibalas - Security Nicole Atkins - Bleeding Diamonds EP

Some new releases in the house today:
FeistThe Reminder (Cherrytree/Interscope)
AntibalasSecurity (Anti)
Nicole AtkinsBleeding Diamonds EP (Red Ink/Columbia)

It should be noted that the Feist record is only $7.99 at right now which is a great price. They did this with the new Bright Eyes record, but then the price went up after the first week.

Feist will be at Town Hall on June 11 and 12th.
Antibalas will be at Irving Plaza on May 5th. (They will also be broadcast on NPR’s World Cafe today, check your local listings).
Nicole Atkins will be at Union Pool on April 28th.