As a couple of kind commenters have pointed out, there are some new FD codes this week.
For orders over $75, the following codes are available:
Pork Tenderloin (Reg. $4.49/lb)
Enter the code: FDPORK75 at checkout.
Salmon Steaks (Reg. $7.99/lb)
Enter the code: SALMONSTK75 at checkout.
Offer expires July 2, 2007. You will find that FDPORK100 and SALMONSTK100 also work on orders over $100.
Also, in what is perhaps the lamest freebie ever, FreshDirect is offering free spice rubs on your next order over $50.
Everything Rub (Reg. $5.99/ea)
Enter the code: EVERYTHING at checkout.
Classic Provencal Rub (Reg. $6.99/ea)
Enter the code: PROVENCAL at checkout.
NYCPRIDE will give you 10% off your purchase (expires 10July07) got hold of this code at the Gay Pride Parade (FD was handing out little cards with the code)…
Just tried code SALMONSTK without the 75 and you can get it for the usual $50 minimum.
JUST used nycpride and it worked! Thank you!!! 🙂