LCD Soundsystem Adds 4 New Next-To-Last Shows at Terminal 5 (On Sale Info)

Setting up for LCD Soundsystem at Sasquatch! 2010
LCD Soundsystem
Photo: Drake Lelane (more)

If you tried to get LCD Soundsystem tickets today at 11:00:01 AM, chances are you probably didn’t succeed (unless you were a scalper, that is). Apparently fans weren’t the only ones who were bummed out about the lack of duckets, James Murphy was pretty upset too. He made a few angry tweets today about $1000+ resale prices on StubHub, but then struck back at the ticket scalpers by adding four new shows (Mar 28-31) at Terminal 5 in advance of his final MSG swan song.

we’re going to play 4 shows at terminal 5 in nyc leading up to the msg show, and they will include most if not all of the songs we play at msg. the farewell run-up to the last dance. it’ll be the 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of march. obviously we’re going to look seriously at the way we sell these tickets. not “paperless, (i’ve been advised that the “paperless” thing is apparently now illegal in ny… seriously—don’t ask me) but there are some ideas floating around that could be just as effective (though it’ll take a minute to get folks in the door.)

we’ll announce the shows officially early in the week, and tickets will be on sale soon after. we’re announcing all the shows at once, and if they don’t sell out, i don’t care. i just want to give people who actually want to see us a chance to see us. for a reasonable ticket price. and i want to drop the price of the msg tickets being sold by piece of shit scalpers. []

Tickets for the Terminal 5 shows go on sale Feb 18 for $40 + fees at Ticket holders will be required to show ID day of show to gain entry. There will be a 2 ticket limit per customer.