Rich Aucoin Playing Glasslands Tonight (Wednesday)

Nova Scotia’s premier indie party rocker, Rich Aucoin, is in town tonight (Wednesday, Jan 18) at Glasslands for his second of two NYC shows. If you’ve never seen Rich live before, I strongly suggest you go check him out, it’s got to be one of the most fun gigs you’ll ever experience.

Listen to Rich’s recent performance on CBC Radio’s Q over here. Latest We’re all Dying To Live sync video (10/11) and a few more Rich Aucoin tour dates after the jump.

Rich Aucoin 2012 Tour Dates
01/18/2012 Glasslands Gallery Brooklyn, NY
01/21/2012 La Maison New Orleans, LA (FREE)
01/24/2012 The Central Santa Monica, CA (FREE)
01/30/2012 Bootleg Theater Los Angeles, CA (FREE)

This is the film We’re All Dying To Live :: Public Publication EP / Over The Top! LP was written to sync up to. It’s made from 40 films in the public domain. This meant cutting together the 40 films and placing them into a Pro Tools session where the music was written to sync up lyrically, thematically and percussively with this newly spliced film. This process took 1 year to write/cut-up, 1 year to record (along with 500 musicians across Canada) and 1 year to edit their parts. A new section will be posted every week until all 11 parts are online. []