Amazon Autorip
Personally, I never understood why people went out of their way to purchase a digital copy of an album on iTunes for $9.99 when they could usually get the same CD for less money on amazon and just rip their own MP3s. These days though the CD has almost become an anathema; people don’t want the physical object any more, let alone spend the extra five minutes it might take to rip it into MP3 format. That’s why I give the big thumbs up to Amazon for implementing the new AutoRip feature which automatically uploads a free digital copy of your physical media purchases (including past purchases dating back to 1998) to the amazon cloud player. While this move is platform agnostic on its face (all Cloud Player apps are supported), I imagine the primary goal behind it is to promote the Kindle Fire/Amazon Cloud Player ecosystem, (but that really doesn’t bother me at all).