Tickets for the Petty Fest 2010 at The Mercury Lounge go on sale Saturday, September 25 at 12:00PM ET (Buy Tickets). This year they’ll be celebrating Tom Petty’s 60th (I figured he was older). Check out the all-star lineup below: PETTY FEST 2010 (10/28/10) Featuring The Cabin Down Below Band With Special Guests: Adam Green,…
Tag: Jody Porter
Dylan Fest 2009 at The Merc
Tickets for this one go on sale April 2 at noon (buy tickets), I’d imagine they won’t last long. Rolling Stone Magazine’s The Smoking Section Presents: DYLAN FEST 2009 VENUE: The Mercury Lounge DATE: Thu 05/21/09 TICKETS: $10 adv / $12 dos Featuring”¦ Hymns Adam Green Grant Maxwell of The Morning Pages Jody Porter of…