Amex Wish Certificate Schedule

The folks over at Fatwallet have deduced the schedule of upcoming wish certificates from the American Express Wish List Promotion. Here it is (the numbers after the colon indicate quantity):

12/09: 1333, 1200, 834 —> (Best Buy, Bed Bath & Beyond, Overstock)
12/10: 1200, 1125, 1333 —> (Brookstone, Toys R Us, Best Buy)
12/11: 1125, 1333, 1125 —> (Amazon, Best Buy, Toys R Us)
12/12: 334, 500, 1125 —> (Home Depot, Blockbuster, Amazon)
12/13: 747, 1000, 1333 —> (LandsEnd?, Borders, Best Buy)
12/14: 1336, 1125, 1125 —> (Best Buy, Amazon, Toys R Us)