Stand-up comedian and frequent Tearing The Veil of Maya guest Mike Birbiglia has turned his storytelling talents into an upcoming one-man off-broadway show. Tickets are now on sale for Sleepwalk With Me at The Bleecker Street Theater, previews begin on October 17, 2008 and the show officially opens on November 11, 2008. Here’s a brief synopsis of the show:
In Sleepwalk with Me, Mike Birbiglia takes the audience on a hysterically funny and intensely personal journey through stories of his life and bouts with sleepwalking. As he finally confronts his fears of love, honesty and growing up, we see that many a problem will work itself out with a nice long walk– but not Mike’s.
To hear a version of Mike’s famous “sleepwalking story”, check out this recent episode of PRI’s This American Life. (As an aside, Season 1 of Showtime‘s This American Life will be widely available on DVD this starting on Tuesday, September 23. As you may recall, the season 1 DVD set was previously only available at Borders.)