Another Seatfilling Opp!

I know readers of this blog will be very interested in attending the Glamour Women of the Year Awards at Avery Fisher Hall on November 2nd, 2005. This event honors the achievements of women and is a very special evening. Talent appearing so far include Catherine Zeta Jones, Melissa Etheridge, Anne Sweeney (head of ABC… Hearts Bumpershine

Welcome Friends, Frequent reader and contributing commentator Bobby Taco alerts me that this little Web Log or “Blog” as some people refer to it, has made it into the big leagues. That’s right, officially called us up for a cup of coffee today. Jeez, maybe I should get some ads going on this…

FASHION ROCKS Seatfilling Opp

All I gotta say is, Nelly, Shakira, Tim McGraw, Destiny’s Child! I am there man, I am there. We are currently offering the opportunity to be a Seatfiller at FASHION ROCKS at Radio City Music Hall on September 8th, 2005. This special event will be taped and air the following night on CBS. Experience todays…