Langhorne Slim Wants You To Be In His Video (Letterman Tonight!)

Langhorne Slim
Langhorne Slim

Langhorne Slim is shooting a video for “Rebel Side of Heaven” this Monday, March 31st at The Box (189 Chrystie, between Rivington & Stanton) and they are looking for folks to be in it. So if you’re interested in achieveing your 15 minutes of video fame, send an email to and they’ll send you the details by Friday afternoon or Monday morning. The video is being shot by Crackerfarm + Paul Manza and your services will be required from 2:30 PM until 6:00 PM (they want to bring in a little audience for that live show kinda vibe).

Also, LHS is on David Letterman tonight (which will probably be last night when most people read this, so look for it on YouTube) promoting his new self titled record, which is due in stores on April 29.

DOWNLOAD: Langhorne Slim – “Rebel Side of Heaven”

UPDATE: The Letterman video is after the jump.